The A to Z of Naming Day

The Naming Day event was a great success and thank you to everyone who volunteered and all the community members who came to the gardens for a sticky beak.

Here is a quick alphabetical run down of the day…

A is for… artist. There were a lot of children being very creative at the colouring-in table

B is for… banana leaf seedling pots workshop

C is for… Coffee. Can’t live without it. Thanks to All In The Cup

D is for… drumming. La Samba Rosa drumming group

F is for… food. Free food

And fruit…

And face painting (or arm painting)

G is for… gathering

And games

And Graham, our president

J is for… jenga

K is for… Kids having fun

And Karyn de Vere, the inspiration behind the Just Us singing group

L is for… Lani, our landscape designer

M is for… Miss Donna, our roving entertainer and magician

And Mayor and Mayoress

S is for… singing. The Just Us singing group

And snakes and ladders

We hope everyone had a great day. We had a few people joining up as members.

And thank you all for your name suggestions. We haven’t chosen one yet, but will be announcing something shortly.

And last, but not least – many thanks Sharon for the brilliant pictures. Very much appreciated.