Yesterday the Gympie Volunteer Centre and Cooloola Human Services Network held a morning tea for Gympie volunteers. Mayor Glen Hartwig and MP Tony Perrett were there to thank all the volunteers for their contribution to our region.
Did you know at the last census there were around 49,000 residents in Gympie and of these 8,647 people did volunteer work? Did you also know that volunteers contribute $290 billion to Australia’s economy? People say that each volunteer’s hourly monetary contribution is worth $41.72, not that volunteers look at their donated time this way!
We certainly don’t at the gardens. Our hours are given to the community so everyone can reap the benefits of a productive, open garden (a mission our volunteers are continually working towards!).
CHSN printed a booklet called Volunteers of Gympie, and we appeared in it. Here we are: