Permaculture teaches us that we have zones in our gardens – zone one is the nearest to us, zone two a little further and so on until we get to zone five which is a place we don’t visit much at all. We call our zone one at the community garden our ‘heart’ and it is under this old mulberry tree. Our intention is to have seating under the tree where we can meet in the shade and munch on mulberries when they are in season! But before we could do this we had to clear up a massive pile of stuff that was left under the tree. We found all kinds of things there (apart from things we could compost) including a teapot, concrete, toys, dog fencing, killions of cockroaches and a legless lizard. That guy being in there meant we knew there were no snakes nesting in there! Now we are ready to create our meeting circle at the heart of the garden. Thanks everyone!