A weekend dedicated to fundraising

Thanks so much to all the people who helped out at Bunnings on Saturday. We managed to raise about $1,000, which is pretty outstanding and will go towards helping the garden grow. We will discuss where we would like to spend some of our recently raised funds at next Saturday’s (19th December) meeting. It will be after a short working bee that will kick off at 7.30am…

This morning, five of us met at the garden to de-cap bottles for recycling. It was pouring with rain and made us all realise how much we need to have our shelter erected.

The rain trickling down our backs from the gazebo was cold! But we got the job done pretty quickly, thanks to some ingenious ideas Graham had. Unfortunately he had to rinse the milk drink bottles in the rain…

It has been suggested that we recycle bottle caps, perhaps for Lids4Kids. We have contacted council and several local businesses about this, but apparently there is no collection point in town, at least since Covid. However, they are looking for potential volunteer coordinators in all areas of SE Queensland. Does Gympie have anyone interested in doing this? In the meantime, we will stockpile the lids.

In two weeks’ time we will be back sorting bottles. Hopefully the weather will be a little kinder.